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#45 - Sex After Surgery: Regaining Pleasure

Season #2


Join us on the empowering journey on the Sex Reimagined Podcast, where we explore the boundless potential of experiencing pleasure beyond surgical interventions. With over 40 years of combined experience, we delve into the lives of individuals, who have faced challenges like hysterectomies, partial hysterectomies, prostatectomy, or organ removals. The burning question we address is whether pleasure can still be achieved after such surgeries, and the resounding answer, inspired by the wisdom of Chinese medicine, is a profound yes.



▪️ Breaking Free from Physical Constraints: Explore how shifting our perception from a purely physical perspective to a vibrational one opens up new possibilities for pleasure and well-being.

▪️ The Energetic Nature of Pleasure: Learn how our thoughts, emotions, and consciousness contribute to the quality and intensity of pleasure we experience.

▪️ Accessing Deeper States of Pleasure: Discover techniques to raise your vibrational frequency and access heightened levels of pleasure and fulfillment.



[00:00] Introduction to Episode

[01:32] Orgasms after Hysterectomies and Prostatectomies 

[09:20] How can something no longer there be felt?

[11:55] What does Humming have to do with it?

[16:47] Working with Pain

[19:17] The Sensation of Scars

[23:58] The Remarkable Journey of the Butterfly

[30:29] Needling Scars using Acupuncture

[36:49] The Subconscious Coping Mechanisms

[40:00] Treating Loss at the Spirit Level

[42:00] Male G-Spot and the Male Prostate Gland

[48:11] Embracing what feels and sounds weird

[51:04]  Circumcision and the Removal of 1000’s of Nerve Endings 



Dr. Willow Brown and Leah Piper - WEBSITER
Male G-Spot - PROGRAM
Last 10x Longer - PROGRAM
The Red Tent - BOOK
What is Spiritual Sex? - EPISODE 


Co-Hosts Dr. Willow Brown & Leah Piper bring a wealth of wisdom through their combined 40 years of expertise in human sexuality, health, and spiritual growth.  Leah is a Tantric Sex Master Coach and Positive Psychology Facilitator, while Dr. Willow is a Chinese & Functional Medicine Doctor and Taoist Sexology Teacher.  When these two devotees of love come together, they blend and weave the ancient teachings of Tao and Tantra for the modern lover with humor, insight, and wisdom.


Dr. Willow Brown Website:
Leah Piper Website:
SxR Website:


YOU MATTER! Do you have a good idea for a show topic, a question we can answer on the air, or S/xpert we should interview? And we would love to hear your thoughts about the show & how it's impacting you! RECORD & SEND US YOUR SUGGESTIONS HERE.


Do you have an idea for a show topic or S/xpert we should interview? Email us at [email protected]


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