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#14 - What is Sexual Enlightenment with Dr. Elsbeth & Freddy

Season #1

Chicago’s Tantric power couple, Dr. Elsbeth Meuth & Freddy Zental Weaver, sat down with hosts Leah & Dr. Willow to discuss Sexual Enlightenment and how sex can help you achieve higher states of consciousness with or without a partner.

Founders of the Tantra Nova Institute and authors of Sexual Enlightenment they have been featured on Showtime’s documentary series Sexual Healing and NBC Emmy-winning show, Starting Over. 

Tantric Quickie:  Heart-to-Heart Partner Practice

Deepen your connection, create harmony and shift the way you feel about yourself and each other in nano-seconds.


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Discover how to Dive Deeper with Dr. Willow and Leah at

• Freddy & Elsbeth website:
• Freddy & Elsbeth’s Sexual Enlightenment Audio Book on Amazon
• Charles Muir’s Source Tantra
• Freddy & Elsbeth’s - classes mentioned in episode 
     ◦ Tantra Nova List of Workshops
     ◦ Costa Rica Retreat
     ◦ Foundations Weekend
     ◦ Spark Weekend
     ◦ Men’s Group
     ◦ Women’s Group
     ◦ One-on-One

The conversations get pretty juicy on the Sex Reimagined Podcast between co-hosts Leah Piper and Dr. Willow Brown, your in-house Tantra & Taoist Sexology Experts. With a combined 40 years of professional experience, their expertise in relationships, love, and sexuality will inspire you to explore new terrain in the world of deeper intimacy.


Dr. Willow Brown Website: 

Leah Piper Website: 


Do you have an idea for a show topic or S/xpert we should interview? Email us at [email protected]


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